Port Rail Transformation Project, VIC

About the Project:

The Port of Melbourne has announced a rail solution to meet the needs of a growing port, and to reduce truck movements in Melbourne’s inner western suburbs.

The Port Rail Transformation Project (PRTP) will see more containers moved by rail more efficiently, by-passing roads in inner Melbourne. The project will increase rail terminal capacity and improve rail terminal operations.

There will be a number of efficiencies in the rail supply chain, which will benefit both import and export markets.

Read more about the project

How Access Covers Australia Added Value:

Access Covers Australia were provided conceptual designs and were able to certify, approve, manufacture and deliver products to suit this landmark project.

Products ranged from drainage pits to electrical pits to precast foundation slabs.


Key product features included:

  • Class G loading (900kN)
  • Custom pits designed with protruding reinforcement to tie into surrounding slabs
  • Pits & lids with voids for cables to run through the lid into switchboards



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